Baby B's sac is sort of behind Baby you can tell that it looks like Baby B's sac is peeking around the side of Baby A's sac. Baby A (below)- the arrows are around the baby
Baby B (below)- at the bottom of the sac.
Baby B's sac is measuring just a tad smaller than Baby A's sac, but the babies are the exact same size. The nurse explained to me that with multiples, the sacs are pushed up against one another- so they will measure differently than a singleton's sac. She assured me that she is the nurse that is "brutally honest" with the patients and she looked at both of us and said that everything looked "textbook perfect" again! Their heartbeats were 110 beats per minutes, which a very strong heart beat! I am completely taken away by the mercy of our God. I just can't stop thanking Him...I feel so honored to carry these little souls and to have the honor and blessing to parent them. C and I just can't stop praising!!!!Also, today is 6 weeks....
So, here is the weekly info on "The 2 doodles":Your baby's jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form what will eventually become one adorable face. In addition, her kidneys, liver, and lungs are developing, and her heart is now beating 80 times a minute (and getting faster every day). All this and she's still no bigger than the length of a nail head (about a quarter of an inch) from crown to rump!
They are beautiful, A!!! <3 Can't wait till you are holding those 2 precious miracles in your arms! :) It's funny that I have recently been praising Him so much for allowing me to get pregnant last year (despite the loss) b/c it truly gives me hope that it WILL happen again! Congrats again, A! I am so happy for you!!! :)