Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


C made a comment to me today that I needed to write down how we told certain people in our family that we were pregnant- b/c we got a few funny responses that we want to I will record them here:

My Mother: (Grandmother/ Nonna)
I called her while I was waiting for C to get home. I already knew the results and wanted to surprise C with the onesies and such. My mom answered and I nonchalantly said, "Well, I am just walking around the house getting out all of the stuff that I have been saving for 2 years to tell C that he is going to be a daddy"....Mom started hyperventilating and said she needed to get off of the phone so she could start breathing again. ha. She called me back about a minute later- screaming.

My Father: (Grandaddy)
I called him on the phone- he was on his way to Memphis. I told him that he was going to be a grandaddy around the 1st of November. He started giggling and started trying to talk me into having the baby on Oct. 31st (his Bday) ha

C's Mother: (Sue-T)
We called them about a week after we found out. They were in New Zealand until we were able to tell them. It drove us crazy waiting for them to get back so we could tell them. C's mom was so excited and wanted to hear each and every detail.

C's Father: (Chuck)
When we told Sue-T about everything we thought that Chuck was in the room listening- but come to find out, he had his sweet feelings hurt because we didn't tell him personally about the babies on the way. C called him the next day and he started instructing C to start pinching every penny (like he doesn't already ha) sidebar: C is VERY cheap...or shall we say frugal
We then called him back the next afternoon after we found out that the "baby" was really "babies" before we called Sue-T, and he felt important again after that! ha

C's brother Uncle Brad:
C: Well, I have some exciting news for you!
Uncle Brad: IT HAPPENED!!!
C: Yes it are going to be an UNCLE!
Uncle Brad: do you already know it's going to be a BOY???
C: Well, Brad, it doesn't matter if it is a boy or a are still going to be an Uncle....
ha- we will give him the benefit of the doubt- he was working on 3 hours of sleep from b/c of a big law case in Houston he was working on.
C's brother Uncle Lazer:
C told Lazer the night we told Sue-T. Lazer's response was, "Cool man, congratulations!"...and if you knew Lazer- this would make perfect sense. Lazer started scheming ways that he was going to be the "bad uncle", and C was busy telling him all of the reasons that he would NOT teach his children to do such things (use your imagination)ha...boys will be boys.

This is mainly our way of keeping memories...although I don't think I will ever forget Uncle Brad's response...that will go down in our family history book LOL

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