put the lime in the coconut... (or should we say TWO limes in the coconut)
Slightly more than two inches long now and weighing about a third of an ounce,the twins are growing by leaps and bounds. And so are their heads, which is equal in length to the rest of the body. On the crown of that large head (and over the rest of the body), hair follicles are forming. Fingernail and toenail beds begin to develop this week and by next week, the nails themselves will start to grow. Your baby's body is straightening and his or her torso is lengthening. Other poses the babies can assume now: stretches, somersaults, and forward rolls. And while you can't tell this baby's gender by its cover yet, testes are developing if it's a boy and ovaries if it's a girl.
June 06- married
April 08- went to pre-conception check-up
July 08- last vacation before becoming parents- yeah right
July 08- started trying to conceive
August 08- BFN- started charting
September 08- perfect tri-phasic chart- BFN
October 08- perfect tri-phasic chart with an implantation dip- BFN
November 08- crazy long 40 day cycle- BFN
December 08- stopped temping as much- tried to “relax”- BFN on Christmas day
January 09- back to a 30 day cycle- slight line on HPT- chemical pregnancy????
February 09- never had a period...umm what is going on?
March 09- still no period- what is going on?
March 18, 09- first RE visit
March 29, 09- finally progesterone shot induced period
April 09- first round of Femera
April 14, 09- HCG injection
April 15, 09- IUI
***sperm morphology issues identified during IUI
April 22, 09- failed ovulation- progesterone level of 4
What now?
May 09- break- I'll just try clomid that a friend gave me
- no period- no ovulation- crazy clomid doesn't even work
June 09- first round of Follistem with IUI
***sperm morphology issues identified during IUI June 30, '09- BFN
July 09- break (but not really)- saw a line on pregnancy test but started period two days later (chemical pregnancy???)
August 09- meeting with RE- told that we had a less than 2% chance to get pg on our own- and even a really low chance doing IUIs and stem meds- IVF is our most logical next step.
diagnosis: less than 2% normal sperm morphology retroverted uterus annovulation poor egg quality endometriosis (the list keeps building) Let's move ahead with this IVF plan August 11, 09- during office visit to plan for IVF- the ultrasound shows that I am about to ovulate on my own...WHAT?? So we did a natural cycle- IUI
August 25, 09- BFN September 09- break before starting IVF
October 09-supposed to start IVF, but moved it up to Dec.
- it seemed more logical to do it when I wasn't teaching
November 09- birth control for IVF
December 5, 09- (my birthday) started Gonal F and menopur
December 12, 09- good follies- HCG injection
December 14, 09- egg retrieval- 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature,
7 were fertilized through ICSI- 7 made it until day 4
Dec 19, 09- transfer- 2 perfect blasts- 1- 5AA, and 1-5BB and 1 was cryoperserved.
December 28, 09- BFP!!! (levels are low)
December 31, 09- levels dropped- we lost the baby
Diagnosis: +lupus anitcoagulant antibody +protien S deficiancy *will have to add Heperin shots with next round of IVF January, '10- started birth control for next round of IVF
January 25, 10- started Lupron injections
February 7, 10- started Gonal F and Menopur injections
Feb 11 and 13- follicle check- everything looking good- responding a lot better this time
February 17, '10- egg retrieval- 17 eggs retrieved February 22, '10- transfer- 2 perfect blastocysts
March 3, '10- PREGNANT! levels look great!
Thanks be to God!
BETA Hcg- 151
Progesterone- 25.7
Estrogen- 196
March 11, '10- 1st ultrasound- 2 sacs! TWINS!!!
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